Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sanity (?)

On the one hand, the political atmosphere living near Washington could be suffocating, especially over the last few years. On the other hand, living in Houston is like anti-politics land. Political thought is gauche, except for the occasional comment about tax burdens and liberals... but even that is more Auburn v Alabama than thoughtful debate.

So I read the Washington Post online to stay sane. Or something.


perrykat said...

mmmm. Just read Dana L.'s article. Amazingly well written and thought provoking.

The seeping of religion into politics:

It has always seemed to me (in my long 36 years of life) that the real beauty of the American experiment was/is our ability to keep religion out of politics. It seems that religion, for whatever reason, is prone to take over whatever it touches.

The fundamental weakness in this administration is there "giving into" religion. Religion is powerful, and the Republicans have crumpled under their forces.

It makes me a little sick, a little sad, and a lot angry.

I'm sorry that you are out "there" on your own.

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