Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Currently playing around with these tools. There is this somewhat amorphous (that word looks wrong) movement in technology that has been widely dubbed "Web 2.0". Having seen the late 90's tech bubble burst, I'm not putting money into any of these companies, but it's nice to see things that make technology fun again.

I'll give you some reviews later.

Update 1

I'm trying to learn a little about Ruby on Rails, which is a framework based on Ruby, which is a computer programming language. That sounds pretty boring doesn't it. I mean, c'mon... how fun can a computer language be?

Check this out.

1 comment:

perrykat said...

While I must admit that I did not read this book, I was happily surprised to find color art, cartoons, and a sense of humor. Interesting. Why don't we make all work fun like that?