Sunday, July 20, 2008

iPhone Apps: Units


$1 for an application that just does conversions. I had my doubts. First, it seems a bit like that kitchen gizmo that you take out only once a year. That's part of what I like about the iPhone: it doesn't have a gazillion barely-used apps.

Or it didn't until the App Store.

But I digress. I like Units. When you open it, you see what looks like a Calculator. Three customizable buttons on the right let you choose measurement categories: currency, energy, temperature, time, length, weight, speed, volume, area. Each have icons. You also choose what "to" and "from" units it starts with.

You click the category button (say Temperature) and then put in one value, and the converted value appears above it. There's a handy switch button that reverses the to/from units so you can enter data the other way round. You can also cycle through other units (e.g. degrees Kelvin) and each of the categories.

Most people won't need most categories, but dollars to British pounds and Celsius to Fahrenheit (when overseas with no network connection) are worth $1. Automatic currency rate update option would be nice though (have to do 2 clicks to update).

Recommended for those with the need.

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