Saturday, October 13, 2007


"the implication of Wolpert's argument is that, at least under some circumstances, it is better to persist in an irrational belief than to vacillate, even if new evidence or ratiocination favours a change."

Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

If you are familiar with the Prisoner's Dilemna (Wikipedia it), it is interesting to me the parallels between the selfish benefits of selflessness and the problem of natural selection of irrational belief. Coincidence? I think not.

1 comment:

perrykat said...

I opened The God Delusion back up on my Ipod tonight to begin it over again. But, I talked on the phone the entire three hours back.

The Prison Dilemna is new to me, and quite fascinating on many, many levels (including my work in actual prisons). We are such screwed up things, we humans.

I love re-seeing things through your eyes. Thanks.