Sunday, March 18, 2007

Remember when were a high school student, or an undergraduate, and things were just *cool*?

Not everything mind you, but a ride late at night with someone's new CD, or the bar you'd go to after classes, or this new book or this class you were taking...

it was just cool, like it made you think,

"hey, a lot of life might be boring or tedious or crappy, but there's this place that isn't like that, I'm gonna find out more about it, and though it isn't a physical place, I'm still gonna move there, because all travel is mental travel."

I'd say that, for the moment, I've found it in Houston.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Houston is all *cool*, or that there is more cool here than in in DC or London or Opelika for that matter.

It just means that, tonight was cool like Coronas with lime and philosophy class. And that matters not because I think for one moment that work tomorrow won't be frustrating and tedious. That's not the point. The point is that, it occurs to me that that feeling of cool that existed in college wasn't illusion. No, that's not the point either. Hard to express this... maybe this: you don't have to be young and naive to feel that way. Or, it is possible to feel that way in spite of knowing what in time you inevitably find out about the world.

Tonight, in case I didn't mention it, was a house concert with Sarah Golden and Anais Mitchell. But more than the concert (which was amazing), tonight reminded me of sitting around at Maps while T and KP played guitar and sang Indigo Girls, reminded me of A & H coming over to Opelika and drinking tequila shots and doing thrashy dancing with black eyeliner. Cruising the Alabama cyclone with T listening to Counting Crows before they recorded Big Yellow Taxi. Making tiny snowmen in Auburn at 2am during a freak snowstorm for while A was in bed.

Etc etc. Point is that it doesn't require lots of alcohol or a teary movie or photo album. Just spending an evening with a lot of open, lovely people who enjoy music. Who talk to each other. I could tell the story here but I'll save it.

And, for the record, I missed all of you and wished you were here to enjoy it with me.


About the videos below. Started big, then small, then camera died. Quicktime format. Sorry about the guy's elbow. If you only have time for one, try The Wall (Hadestown).

Oh, and these are ridiculously big files, so it's gonna be Monday probably before they are up.

Friday Night
Dont Fail Me Now
The Wall (Hadestown)
Out of Pawn
Before the Eyes of Storytelling Girls
The Belly and the Beast
Autumns Ashes
I Wear Your Dress (start)

Others not recorded:
Hades and Persephone
Song of the Magi
Your Fonder Heart
Time after Time (Cyndi Lauper sing-along)
Two Kids


perrykat said...

Oh -- what a great post.

Yes, I do miss those things. I get glimpses sometimes, but not often.

Thanks for the message. Wish I had been there. I could hear her sound check in the background of the message.

Nice to know that there is no age line for cool. Even nicer to know that you experienced it tonight.

Maybe it will help us both get through our days tomorrow. :)

perrykat said...

Wow. I had time to watch two today. I'll make a little time each day to watch it. Great shots -- you were really close to her? And your camera does such a nice job.

Thanks for posting them!!!!

Jebbo said...

Second row, behind the guy with the elbows in the rocking chair. She was really nice, as was Sarah Golden and pretty much everybody there. Great vibe.

I have some pictures on my cameraphone if I can figure out how to get them off it.