Wednesday, July 12, 2006


When I'm at work, I try not to type too much. When I'm at home (with voice software), I'm sick of sitting in front of a computer.

My laptop had voice software, too, but it died. I don't want to buy another laptop just to dictate.

Those are my excuses. I'm still looking for my answers.


perrykat said...

Was it your tablet that died? Why are laptops so easily killed?

Jebbo said...

In this case, it was the screen that went phffft. The swivel-stuff may add to the problem. A packaged monitor that you can replace separately would help.

Laptops are all-or-nothing, so I guess when something goes wrong it takes the whole thing with it.

Jebbo said...

Yeah, it was the tablet.

Jebbo said...

And I'm torn because it was a powerhouse laptop, quite expensive. You can easily drop $2000 on a powerful lightweight laptop, whereas something simple runs $800 or so. There's a Dell XPS gaming laptop that's well reviewed, but it's $2400. I mean, come on...

Then there's the new Macs that run Windows. Pricey pricey.

Reminds me of shopping for cars.

Jebbo said...

Funny... it just occurred to me that I could in theory use my LCD monitor attached to the tablet. At least to boot it up and see if it works. And I could sit on the couch maybe.

Hmmm... interesting...

perrykat said...

I've lost two laptops in 4 years: a Viao and a HP/Compac, I'm now on #3. This time I went for a Dell, hoping for better results. It is an Inspiron E 1405, and so far I like it very much. I had a coupon for 40% off (came in the mail), so rather than being around $1500, it was $800 (including a 2003 office package). The only thing I couldn't get that I would have liked to have is Bluetooth (not that I would use it). If I were rich, I would have gone for a Mac, but I can't afford the change over (new software...).

Anyway. Sorry you lost yours.