Saturday, September 23, 2006


... is just green beans with hats.

Why did nobody tell me this? All this time...


perrykat said...

I disagree. Asparagus is not like a green bean. Different texture, different taste. I have found recently that baking asparagus is the best way to cook it.

Not a green bean, I say!

Jebbo said...

But I ate them tonight! They were... green beans. There were green beans with them... they were all the same, but some had hats!

In fact, the beans seems to have a stronger flavor; as if the hats lent a subtlety and sophistication that's were otherwise lacking.

Having said that, it was teeny tiny skinny asparagus. Come to think of it, the broccoli with skinny too.

What's up with skinny vegetables?

perrykat said...

Well, I don't know what you ate, but asparagus doesn't have beans inside like green beans do. Maybe there are similarities in the way they look from the outside, but green beans split open to reveal, well, the beans. Asaragus is the stalk, not the seed pod.

Jebbo said...

I think I expected asparagus to have a pungent flavor like artichoke... and the beans I had were way too skinny to open, like you could shoot them out of straws!

perrykat said...

oh -- had you never had asparagus before? you were missing out!

perrykat said...

Is this one of those things like mayo in the tuna salad -- where one might call it sour cream in order to be able to eat it?

Jebbo said...

"Is this one of those things like mayo in the tuna salad -- where one might call it sour cream in order to be able to eat it?"

Tyson, where are you when I need you!

Sour cream indeed...


Jebbo said...

come to think of it, maybe they did just put funny hats on green beans. Would explain a lot... like the little green gloves and handkerchiefs.

Jebbo said...

thin asparagus:

Jebbo said...

Tenda chick, Guthries, mayonnaise, sour cream...

Can things possibly get any worse???