Wednesday, July 12, 2006

test #2

the previous post wasn't actually dictated into Blogger itself. I dictated it into a word processor, then manually cut and pasted it into here.

This one is a test to see if I can dictate directly into Blogger. And then to see if I can do the post without the keyboard.

You see, that's the problem with both Macintosh computers and the Firefox browser. They may be supercool (I love that supercool actually dictates as one word... kick asked... what, don't they have profanity in their dictionary?... I guess I do have some work to do...), where was I? Oh yeah, supercool but not as widely supported as Windows and Internet Explorer. In fact, the Dragon software doesn't even run on Apple. So I may have to do this dictation in Internet Explorer...

(or I can say "tab" about 50 times to move around the interface)

now let's see if I can post this...

1 comment:

perrykat said...

This is a performance. Somehow, I can picture (or hear) you dictating rather than writing -- and somehow that makes a difference. Is it that we do actually speak differently, or is that in my head, in my interpretation of the performance?